
воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Business Verbs / Английские глаголы "Для мира бизнеса"

Do you need English in your business? 
Do you need a lot of special English words? 
Do you think to yourself - Where can I find out what these words are?
Business is about action, and many of the words associated with business are verbs. Here they are...

On the phone
No, I'm sorry, I can't put you through to Mrs Porter. I can't connect you to anyone.
No, I'm afraid you can't hold on...
No, she won't call you back. She can't ring you back and nobody is going to return your call...
And no, I can't transfer you to another line ...
Why not? Because Mrs Porter doesn't work here. In fact, nobody works here ... YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG NUMBER!

put through - соединять
connect - соединять
hold (on) - ждать
call (back) - перезванивать
ring (back) - перезванивать
return (a call) - перезванивать
transfer - переключать

Hi John,
I found the report that you attached to your e-mail when I logged on to my computer this morning. I thought the report was great. I wanted to keep it, so I tried to save it to my hard disk. Unfortunately, I clicked on the wrong button and I deleted it instead! I tried to undo the command, but that didn't work. So I searched for it, but it just wasn't there. Could you send it again?
Many thanks,

attach - прикреплять
log on — входить (в компьютер)
save - сохранять
click — нажимать / кликать
delete - удалять
undo — отменять действие
search - искать

Dear Rita,
I'm pleased you liked the report - but I'm afraid it wasn't mine. Caroline wrote it and e-mailed it to me. I forwarded it to you because I thought you'd be interested. However, there's some bad news. When I tried to call it up just now I found that it had been wiped from my computer too - it was gone! But don't worry - I printed a copy before that happened so I'll post it to you.

e-mail — отправлять по электронной почте
forward - пересылать
call up — вызывать / находить
wipe - стирать
print — выводить на печать

Who needs e-mail? If I want to send a message to someone, I write a letter, put a stamp on it and mail it. It's simple and cheap.
If I've got a package, I wrap it and ask the post office to deliver it for me. You cant do that with e-mail, can you? And if it's urgent I get a motorbike rider to courier it for me. Then I know for sure it will be received safely. So I'll stay with snail mail, thank you very much.

mail — отправлять по почте
wrap - упаковывать
deliver - доставлять
courier — отправлять с курьером
receive - получать

To: Sonia De Soto
From: Patricia O'Learey
Date: 23.12.00

Dear Sonia,
I hope this fax comes through successfully. I had a terrible time trying to get it to you. My fax machine was dialling and redialling your number for about three hours yesterday afternoon, before I decided that I had enough and cancelled it. What was the problem? Perhaps your machine run out of paper? Or maybe you just didn't put the paper in properly - you really should read the instructions about how to load it.
But, let's get down to business ..

come through - проходить
get - доставлять
dial — набирать номер
redial — повторно набирать номер
cancel - отменять
run out - заканчиваться
load - загружать

Which verbs mean the same?
wipe                        connect
delete                      ring back
put through             call back

Write the missing word.
1. He's not in. Can he ....................... your call later?
2. I wrote the report and ........................... it to this e-mail.
3. I'll call for a motorbike and get them to …................ the package to you.
4. I tried to send this fax this morning. My fax machine …....................... about twenty times.

Match 1-4 with a-d.
click                                  a) a package
log on                               b) of paper
run out                              c) on the save button
wrap up                            d) to a computer

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