
понедельник, 6 февраля 2012 г.

Шутки в Present Simple

Следующие 10 шуток помогут закрепить правило о использовании вспомогательных глаголов в Present Simple.

Use do, does, don't or doesn't to complete the jokes:

1) What type of car .......... your dad drive?
I ........... know the name, but it starts with a "P'.
That's strange, our car starts with a key.

2) .......... you ever have problems making up your mind?
Well, yes and no.

3) Dad, .............. a dishwasher wash dishes?
Yes, Billy. That's right.
And ........ a bus driver drive buses?
And ........ a weightlifter lift weights?
Yes. Why all the questions?
Well, ......... a shoplifter lift shops?

4) What .......... ants take when they are ill?
I ......... know.

5) What ............. your father do for a living?
As little as possible!

6) What ............. you clean your top teeth with?
A toothbrush, of course.
And what ............ you clean your bottom with?
The same.
Really! I use paper!

7) .......... you love me?
Of course, darling.
But ............ you love me with all your heart?
With all my heart, with all my liver, all my kidneys ...

8) .......... this train go to York?
That's right, sir. Change at Leeds.
What! I want my change here. I'm not waiting until Leeds.

9)Mrs Smith ......... have soft and lovely hands like you, mummy. Why is that?
Because our servants do all the housework!

10) Mum, ......... God go to the bathroom?
No, son, why ......... you ask?
Well, every morning dad goes to the bathroom, knocks on the door and shouts, "Oh God! Are you still in there?"

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