
воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.

"Will" for decisions

When you make a decision at the time of speaking use will + verb (without to). We often use this form at the moment of making a choice.

I'll have a glass of mineral water please.
I won't have a desert but I'll have a coffee please.

Grammar exercises

Match the statements with the responses.

   1.   What would you like to drink? A.   No, it's OK, thanks. I'll use my own bag.
   2.   It's very hot in here. B.   No, that's all thanks.
   3.   Do you need a plastic bag? C.   I'll answer it.
   4.   Will there be anything else? D.   Is it? I'll find my umbrella, then.
   5.   I think the phone is ringing. E.   Yes, I am. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.
   6.   Did you post that letter? F.   No, that's OK. I'll call back later.
   7.   Jo's in a meeting now. Can I take a message? G.   No, I forgot. I'll do it right away.
   8.   It's raining outside, you know. H.   I'll have a lemon soda, please.
    9.   You look tired. I.   You're right. I'll open a window.

 In the Ice-cream Shop
A man went into a restaurant and the waitress came over to ask him what he wanted.
    The man said, 'I'll have some vanilla ice cream and some strawberry ice cream, some lemon ice cream and some banana ice cream.'
    'OK, sir.' said the waitress, 'Will there be anything else?'
    'Er, yes...' said the man, 'Do you have any chocolate sauce?'
    'Yes, sir. We do,' replied the waitress.
    'Great, I'll have double chocolate sauce on that.'
    'Anything else, sir?'
    'Oh, yes, do you have any cream?'
    'Certainly sir.'
    'And,' continued the man, 'I'll have extra cream on all of those.'
    'Yes sir.' said the waitress, writing down the whole order, 'And would you like any nuts on top?'
    'Nuts?' said the man, horrified, 'Oh, no! I won't have any nuts. I'm on a diet.'

Vocabulary exercises

Which word is the odd one out?

   1. strawberry menu lemon banana
   2. waiter waitress vanilla customer
   3. chocolate sauce cream restaurant
   4. extra on over into

Match the broken sentences.

   5.   I'll write. A.   over to take our order.
   6.   I'll go... B.   with extra sauce.
   7.   I'll have a vanilla ice cream... C.   down your phone number.
   9.   I'd like some nuts on top... E.   on a diet very soon.
   10. I'll call the waitress..

Grammar excercises: 1H, 2I, 3A, 4B, 5C, 6G, 7F, 8D, 9E 
Vocabulary excercises: 1 menu, 2 vanilla, 3 restaurant, 4 extra, 5C, 6E, 7B, 8F, 9D, 10A

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