
вторник, 12 июня 2012 г.

Jokes with CAN / COULD

Часто изучение иностранного языка хочется облегчить или разнообразить. Упражнения, которые составлены в форме шуток - прекрасная идея. Сегодня мы практикуем модальные глаголы :0)

Complete the jokes by putting can, can't, could, or couldn't in the gaps provided:

                Waiter, I …...................... eat this soup.
                I'm sorry, sir. I'll get the manager.
                 (Manager arrives.)
                 I'm afraid I ….................. eat this soup.
                 I'm sorry, sir. I'll call the cook.
                 (Cook arrives.)
                 I'm sorry, but I …................... eat this soup.
                 Why not, sir?
                 Because I don't have a spoon!

My father …......... lift a pig with one hand. ….......... your dad do that?
I'm not sure. Where do you get a pig with one hand?

What do you call a man with no ears?
Anything you like because he …..................... hear you.

Why ….................... a car play football?
I don't know.
Because it only has one boot.

Angela, since I met you I ….................. eat and I ….................... drink.
Oh Bruce! Is it because you love me so much?
No. It's because I haven't got any money left.

What you make that you …................... see?
I don't know.
A noise.

Why are you hitting your dog with a chair?
Because I …..................... lift the table!

I'd like three large fish and I want you to throw them to me, said a fisherman.
But why? said the shopkeeper.
So that I …....................... tell my wife that I caught three fish.

(In a library)
Please be quiet. The other people in here …....................... read.
Oh, what a pity. I …...................... read when I was six.

Why did you buy that hat?
Because I …....................... get it for nothing!

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