
вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Phrasal Verbs / Фразовые глаголы

Фразовые глаголы (phrasal verbs) не подчиняются никаким правилам — их необходимо учить наизусть.

Способы образования:
  • глагол + предлог (Verb + Preposition)
  • глагол + наречие (Verb + Adverb)
  • глагол + предлог и наречие
Значение фразового глагола обычно сильно отличается от значения глагола, из которого он образован.

Phrasal Verbs with GO 

1) If food is stored in a hot place for too long, it will 'go off'.
I think this fish has gone off. It smells terrible.  
If you don't keep it in the fridge, it will soon go off

2) As time continues, we say that time 'goes by'. 
One year went by without any news from him. 
Time goes by so slowly.

3) If you have an experience, you 'go through' the experience. 
I went through a lot of problems with my teenage daughter. 
The hurricane was an awful experience to go through. 

4) If you are allowed to start something you can 'go ahead'.
The boss said we can go ahead and make the necessary changes.
We can't go ahead without approval from Head Office.

5) If you are ill, you may have 'gone down with' a virus.
I went down with flu and had to take a week off work.
My son has gone down with mumps.

6) If people receive news badly, it didn't 'go down' very well.
The news of the redundancies went down very badly.
The increase in price has gone down surprisingly well with our customers.

7) The way you 'go about' a job is the way that you handle it.
You're not going about this very well.
He's not going about the job in the right way and is having a lot of problems.

8) Every morning, my alarm clock 'goes off' too early!
The burglar alarm went off and scared them away. 
I slept in because my alarm didn't go off.

9) If I want you to continue a story, I will say 'go on'.
Go on. Tell me more details. 
Please go on. This is very interesting.

10) If you choose an option, you 'go for' that option.
I'll go for the larger model.
Which option will they go for?

Phrasal Verbs with Come 

1) Sometimes you keep something even though you don't need it at the time but because you think in the future it might 'come in useful'.
Keep that. It might come in useful one day.  
I don't like learning English but it will come in useful when I get a job. 

2) When something is falling, you can say that it is 'coming down'.
The football match was stopped because the rain was coming down so heavily.
Don't buy an Ipod yet. The prices will be coming down soon.

3) When a book is published, it 'comes out'.
The magazine comes out once a month.
My new book comes out in August. 

4) If you 'come on to' a particular topic or idea, you start discussing it.
Can we come on to the subject of parking?
Before we come on to that, does anybody have any comments?

5) If you 'come across' something, you find it by accident.
I came across these old photos when I was cleaning out my cupboard.
She came across Richard in the middle of Oxford.

6) If a feeling 'comes over you', it affects you, often in an uncharacteristic way.
I'm sorry for shouting. I don't know what came over me.
A look of pleasure came over her face.

7) If a problem or situation 'comes up' it happens. (We can also say 'crops up'.)
A big problem came up at work.
Something has come up and I can't meet you.

8) If you 'come up with' a plan or idea, you think of it or suggest it.
Peter came up with a good idea today.
Can anybody come up with a solution?

9) If somebody 'comes across' as having a particular characteristic, they have given you the impression that they are like this.
When you first meet Susan, she comes across as a shy person but in fact she is quite self-confident.
Do you know that you come across as very arrogant?

10) When you are talking about the results of a situation, you can talk about what 'comes of' the situation.
I'll let you know what comes of the meeting.

11) If an event or action 'comes off', it is successful or effective.
I hope this high risk strategy comes off for us.
I don't think it is going to come off.

12) If an idea 'comes upon' you, it develops without your really being aware of it.
The idea came upon me when I was out walking the dog.
I came upon the solution by pure chance.

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