
вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

English Idioms / Идиомы английского языка

What is an idiom?
An idiom is a phrase with a special meaning, like over the moon or pulling someone's leg.
I'm over the moon means I'm very pleased.
I'm just pulling your leg means I'm joking.
When you see or hear an idiom, you may know all the words in it (over, moon, pull etc.) but you may not know what the idiom means.

Types of people
Does it matter if someone says you're no rocket scientist? Yes, it does! This phrase means not very intelligent.
What if a newspaper describes a politician as a dark horse? This means nobody knows much about him.
And a party pooper? This means a person who spoils enjoyable activities by refusing to join in. This idiom is also useful in apologies: 'I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to go home now.'

no rocket scientist = not very intelligent person
dark horse = secretive person
party pooper person = who spoils fun


Brains and beauty
A Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell. Whereas he was quite ugly, she turned heads wherever she went. She was rather full of herself and said to Russell, 'They say I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, and I hear you're the smartest man. Imagine if we had child with your brains and my beauty.
Russel, who was never lost for words, replied, 'lmagine if it had my beauty and your brains.'

turn heads = attract a lot of attention
full of yourself = too pleased with yourself
lost for words = not knowing what to say

Larger than life
Say 'Sean Connery' to the man in the street and he'll probably say 'James Bond'. The famous British secret agent, 007, has been played by six actors in the last forty years, but Connery was the original and probably the best. He was larger than life both on the screen and in the flesh. Even in his 60s, he was chosen by the readers of an international women's magazine as The World's Most Attractive Man.

the man in the street = an average person
larger than life = more exciting than normal
in the flesh = as a real person

Some twins are identical, but my brother and I are definitely not. He's a couch potato who watches television all weekend and thinks exercise is a dirty word, whereas I'm always on the go, playing sport, socialising, working and so on. He says I'm a pain in the neck because I never stop doing things and making a noise while he's trying to watch the TV or sleep.

couch potato = a lazy person
dirty word = something unpleasant
on the go = active
pain in the neck = a nuisance

Somebody told a very funny joke at the office yesterday, and we were all in stitches for five minutes afterwards. Then the boss came in. He was in a bad mood and started to talk about a work problem. I couldn't torget the joke and I couldn't keep a straight face. The boss asked me what I was smiling at. When I told him, he just looked at me and said nothing. I thought he was going to throw me out. But then he burst out laughing!

in stitches = laughing a lot
keep a straight face = not smile or laugh
burst out laughing = suddenly laugh loudly

It's a beautiful day, and I feel on top of the world!
He's just had some good news. He's got the job that he wanted, and he's over the moon about it.
Getting my first job as an actor was so exciting. I was on cloud nine for weeks afterwards.

on top of the world = happy
over the moon = very pleased about something
on cloud nine = very happy because of something 

People at work
Old Mr Brown has been with the company for years. He's pretty useless, but he survives because the manager has a soft spot for him.
There are two bossy middle-aged women who are always at each other's throats about one thing or another.
There's a nice girl who started last week and is a breath of fresh air.

have a soft spot for = like, care about
at each other's throats = arguing
breath of fresh air = pleasantly different

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