
четверг, 1 июня 2017 г.

Idiom Series (educational videos) / Идиомы английского языка (обучающее видео)

Music Idioms
In this lesson, we take a look at the following idioms that use expressions related to music:  
toot your own horn, 
face the music, 
it takes two to tango, 
swan song, 
strike a chord, 
music to my ears.

Time Idioms
In this lesson, we focus on the following time-related idioms:  
lose track of time, 

make up for lost time, 
pressed for time, 
stand the test of time, 
take your sweet time, 
never in a million years, 
and for the time being.

Face Idioms
In this lesson, we focus on the following face-related idioms:  
blow up in one's face, 
get in someone's face, 
fall flat on one's face, 
a slap in the face, 
until one is blue in the face, 
poker face, and save face.

Winter Idioms
In this lesson, we look at the following eight winter-related idioms:
be on thin ice, 
the tip of the iceberg, 
snowed under, snowed in, 
get cold feet, quit cold turkey, 
leave someone out in the cold, 
give someone the cold shoulder.

Clothing Idioms
In this lesson, we look at the following clothing-related idioms: 
off the cuff, 
keep one's shirt on, 
fit like a glove, 
at the drop of a hat, 
 fill someone's shoes, 
tighten one's belt, 
the shoe on the other foot.

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