
среда, 7 марта 2018 г.

Conversation Questions About "Animals & Pets" / Вопросы для обсуждения по теме «Домашние животные»

Чтобы практиковать навыки говорения, лучше всего иметь под рукой список наводящих вопросов, на которые нужно отвечать. Вот хорошая подборка по теме "Animals & Pets" (подойдет для уровня Pre-Intermediate и Intermediate). 
Даже если вы не собираетесь сейчас обсуждать эти вопросы, то будет полезно их прочесть по двум причинам: 1) просто для практики - ведь вопросы в английском языке строятся особым образом; 2) с прицелом на будущее - если вы в разговоре будете задавать вопросы, то вам не придется говорить, а только слушать :) 

Do you have a pet?
How old is it?
Where did you get it from?
Who takes care of it?
What does it look like (color, breed, etc.)?
What do you feed it?
Do you play with it?
What is it's name? How did you choose this name?
Does it know any tricks or understand any words?

If you don't have a pet, why not?
Would you ever consider getting a pet?
Did you grow up with pets in your home?
What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?
What is the best pet to own? 

Are cats better pets than dogs or are dogs better pets than cats? Why?
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?

What wild animals do you find most interesting? Why?
If you could observe an extinct animal for an afternoon, which one would you choose and why? 
Would you like to go on an African safari? Why or why not?
Which animals do you think dream? Why?
In your country, do dogs usually sleep inside or outside?

What pets are most popular in your country?
How are humans like other animals? How are they different?
How many different pets have you had over your lifetime? Which was your favorite?
What do you like most about going to the zoo?
What about least?

Can pets become part of a human family?
How can pets help people emotionally?
What was your first pet and how did you get it?

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