
понедельник, 9 апреля 2018 г.

Secrets of English: How to Learn It Faster (videos with subtitles) / Секреты английского: Как быстро выучить язык? (видео с субтитрами)

How to Think in English
Do you want to think in English? Of course you do. It will help you speak more fluently and structure your thoughts like a native speaker. But how can you think in English? Follow these five simple steps and you'll learn how to develop the habit. Practice every day and you might even find you can dream in English.

How to Remember English Words

Do you find it hard to remember English words? Does your memory let you down? Then this video is for you. Learn from the story of how Jay aced an exam by cheating and discover ways that you can learn English words quickly and effectively by working smart.

How to Learn Fluent English
Do you want to learn fluent English? Good goals and plans will help you learn English faster.

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