
понедельник, 29 октября 2018 г.

Lower Intermediate: Listening Practise (with transcript) / Практика аудирования на английском (видео-тексты)

Чтобы развить навык аудирования (восприятие и понимание английской речи на слух) нужно тренироваться. Подкасты (небольшие аудиоматериалы на разные темы) нужно выбирать по своему уровню, ведь если вы не знаете даже 20% слов в тексте, то как вы их услышите?
Работать над навыком аудирования нужно так: 1) прослушать аудио-материал; 2) разобрать материал / текст; 3) еще несколько раз прослушать этот подкаст. 
Предлагаю вам потренироваться. Следующие видео-материалы специально созданы для уровня Lower Intermediate. Enjoy!

I like to activate my computer every day. I have a large monitor and lots of things on my desktop.Sometimes I use a laptop which is also called a notebook. Sometimes I use a tablet, and I particularly like to surf the net on my desktop at home. I use a personal computer and I have lots of software.
My favourite search engine is Google. I use it at work as well, and my company collects a lot of data. It stores client’s emails and information in a large database. I use a disk to store when I download things that interest me and occasionally I upload pictures to my social network. I do have a large network generally. I like to use a mouse and the keyboard. I’m lucky that I have a fast modem as part of my hardware, and being a user of the Internet, I download things and file what I need in folders. I need more storage because I use well over a few megabytes. I need storage that holds gigabytes because of everything that I save. I recently upgraded, and now I have a lot of RAM which is part of my computer operating system.
I do have my own web address with a fabulous homepage. I also make sure that I have a reliable firewall so that it can stop people hacking into my website. Everyone needs to be careful of hackers, Trojan horses, spyware, malware, and viruses. I had a virus once which ruined my motherboard. I also get lots of spam in Outlook, and sometimes I need to reboot my computer because it slows it down. Luckily, I don't need to reboot my printer.

Most cafes have assorted cakes. There are plenty to choose from. A bagel is popular because it's a savory bread that is quite thick in texture.Banana bread is very popular in Australian cafes, and it's usually eaten for morning tea. Many people drink black tea and green tea, as well as cappuccinos. A cappuccino is a very popular drink, made with full milk and sprinkled with chocolate.
Lots of people have coffee machines at home. I have a drip coffee machine, which makes lovely filtered coffee. Cafes sell cold drinks too, such as soft drinks, milkshakes and smoothies. Croissants are delicious French pastries, but very fattening because they're made with a lot of butter. Cafes usually sell lots of desserts like this one with lots of cream and fruit. I like to eat in when I go to a cafe which means sitting down inside.
Do you like espresso coffee? It's very strong. I personally like extra hot coffee. Sometimes I get a flat white. It's not too frothy. Hot chocolate is delicious because it's very sweet. Cafes sell lots of hot drinks, such as lattes, which are very popular. A macchiato is another coffee, which means that the milk is heated up and the coffee is added to the milk.
Do you look at the menu when you walk into a café? I do, particularly if it's on a board outside the shop like this one. I like full cream milk with my coffee, but lots of people like skimmed milk. Another name for skim milk is lite milk. It's not as fattening as full cream milk. Mochaccino is another type of coffee, which is a combination of coffee and chocolate. You can call it a 'mocha' for short.
Muffins are very popular in coffee shops. There are many varieties of muffins: fruit muffins, chocolate muffins, cinnamon, and banana to name a few. They are quite well priced at around four dollars each. Coffee is also around four dollars a cup. [$4.00] Some cafes also sell bags of roasted coffee beans.
Most cafes are self-serve, which means you have to go up to the counter and order what it is you want. You then collect it from the counter when it's ready. You can order a short black, which is a very strong coffee; maybe you'll have sugar in your coffee. You can choose white sugar or brown sugar. Many bars have table service where the waitress brings you your drinks, either coffee or alcohol. Some cafes also have table service. Cafes usually have a takeaway menu.

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