
пятница, 2 ноября 2018 г.

Conversation Questions About "Adventure" / Вопросы для обсуждения по теме "Приключения"

Для совершенствования навыков говорения лучше всего иметь под рукой список наводящих вопросов, на которые нужно отвечать. Вот хорошая подборка по теме "Adventure" (подойдет для уровня Intermediate и выше). Это прекрасный ресурс и для преподавателей: ведь для того, чтобы разговорить студента, нужны "правильные" вопросы, на которые нельзя ответить просто "да" или "нет".

What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘adventure’?
Are you an adventurous person? Do you like adventure?
In what way is learning English an adventure for you?
Does there have to be an element of danger in an adventure?
Which of these things would you like on an adventure: danger, romance, speed, travel, discovery, prizes?
Where would you like to go for an adventure – a jungle, a desert, a small island or a city?

What was your most unforgettable childhood adventure?
What’s the biggest adventure you’ve had in your life?
Who would you like to have a big adventure with?
What adventures would you like to go on in the future?

Do you like adventure movies?
What's your favourite adventure story or book? Talk about it.
Is your country famous for adventurers?

If you were offered a trip on the space shuttle, would you go? Explain.
Do you think adrenaline is addictive? Why or why not?
Life is an adventure. Do you agree? Why? Discuss.

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