
понедельник, 12 ноября 2018 г.

Season 3: "Jeeves And Wooster" (Full Episodes in English) / Сезон 3: "Дживс и Вустер" (сериал на английском, все серии)

«Jeeves and Wooster».  Великобритания, конец 1920-х. Главные герои - недалекий, хорошо воспитанный отпрыск аристократического семейства Берти Вустер и его хитроумный камердинер Дживс. Беспечный прожигатель жизни, Вустер вечно попадает в нелепые ситуации, но всякий раз на выручку приходит мудрый и всезнающий Дживс. Властные тетушки и девицы на выданье - таков основной круг опасностей, подстерегающий молодых господ. Но на то и слуги, чтобы помогать и советом, и делом...

"Bertie Sets Sail"
Bertie escapes Aunt Agatha's plot to get him married to Honoria Glossop by taking a ship to New York, accompanied by Jeeves. On board he meets Tuppy who plans on buying and importing a car from J. Washburn Stoker. During the voyage, Bertie is also lumbered with Lady Malvern's browbeaten son, Wilmot. To make matters worse, once in America Lady Malvern departs for a tour of prisons for her upcoming book, leaving Bertie with strict instructions on how to look after the "very delicate" Wilmot, with the implied threat that should he shirk this responsibility, then Aunt Agatha will be informed of his whereabouts.

"The Full House"
Poet Rockmetteller "Rocky" Todd wants nothing more than a quiet life in his cabin in the Long Island woods. However, Rocky's Aunt Isabel, who provides his allowance, wants him out about town every night and to send her detailed reports on New York nightlife so she can live vicariously through her nephew. Jeeves agrees to go clubbing in his place, and writes daily letters to Aunt Isabel in Rocky's name. However, Jeeves makes it sound so good that Aunt Isabel decides to come and see for herself...

"Introduction on Broadway"
Aunt Agatha sends Cyril Bassington-Bassington to Bertie in New York with strict instructions that he is to be kept away from the stage. Shortly after arrival, Cyril goes on stage. Meanwhile, Bruce "Corky" Corcoran asks Bertie to help him ask his uncle to accept his fiancee, Muriel Singer. Things go awry when the uncle ends up marrying Muriel and cuts off Corky's allowance. Aunt Agatha arrives and wants to see a play, the same play that Cyril is in. Only Jeeves can sort out such a mess.

"Right Ho, Jeeves"
Aunt Agatha wants to set Bertie up with Gertrude Winkworth, daughter of Dame Daphne Winkworth at Deverill Hall. Gussie Fink-Nottle is sent there by Madeline Bassett to meet her godmother, Dame Daphne, but he gets drunk and sentenced to 14 days in jail. To avoid trouble from Madeline, Bertie turns up pretending to be Gussie, but the latter turns up too (having just been fined) with Jeeves posing as his butler. Gussie pretends to be Bertie and woos Gertrude successfully...

"Hot Off the Press"
Sir Watkyn Bassett is writing his memoirs of his misspent youth, which also include the misspent youths of others who are now famous. Bertie, who has just become engaged to Lady Florence Craye, Sir Watkyn's niece, is sent to destroy the manuscript. Guests at the house include Sir Roderick Spode, Gussie Fink-Nottle and also Rev. Harold "Stinker" Pinker, who is trying win back Stephanie "Stiffy" Byng. Added issues with a local play and a dog that gets arrested, result in Jeeves having to set things straight at Totleigh Towers.

"Comrade Bingo"
Bingo Little has joined an outspoken Bolshevik group, the Red Dawn, in order to court Charlotte Rowbotham, the daughter of the group's leader, with whom he has fallen in love. Bertie is persuaded by Aunt Dahlia into accompanying her to Marsham Manor (near Goodwood) to help charm Cornelia Fothergill into selling her latest novel to 'Milady's Boudoir' magazine.

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