
воскресенье, 23 декабря 2018 г.

Conversation Questions About "Christmas" / Вопросы для обсуждения по теме «Рождество»

Сегодня мы будем практиковать навыки говорения, отвечая на вопросы по теме "Рождество". Следующая подборка вопросов это полезный ресурс для преподавателей - используйте их, чтобы разговорить своих студентов уровня Pre-Intermediate и Intermediate. :)

Для тех, кто изучает язык, будет очень полезно прочесть вопросы на тему "Christmas" по двум причинам: 1) просто для практики - ведь вопросы в английском языке строятся особым образом; 2) для развития навыков общения - если в разговоре с собеседником вы сами будете задавать вопросы, то вам не придется много говорить, а только слушать. Ну и дополнительный бонус - если вы сможете сами направлять разговор, то прослывёте прекрасным собеседником.

Do you enjoy Christmas time?
Do you know why Christmas is celebrated around the world?
Would you like to have a White Christmas?
Who would you like to be with on Christmas?
Did it snow last year at Christmas?
Did you enjoy last Christmas?
Have you ever celebrated Christmas in a foreign country?
What is the best Christmas you have ever had?

Do you enjoy singing Christmas songs?
What is your favorite Christmas song?
What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Would you like to go skating during Christmas vacation?

What is the significance of a Christmas tree?Is your Christmas tree a real tree or an artificial tree?
When does your family decorate the Christmas tree?
How long do you keep your Christmas tree up after Christmas?
If you don't put up a Christmas tree, do you put up other decorations?
Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?
Do you hang up a stocking?
Have you ever made your own Christmas cards? If so, how did you make them?

Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?
At what age did you begin not believing in Santa Claus?
Do you remember when you found out that Santa Claus wasn't real/ or when your children found out? What was your/their reaction like?
Do you remember any Christmas celebrations you had as a child?
Have your feelings towards Christmas changed since you were a child?

Is it important to buy presents at Christmas?
When do you give Christmas presents?
When do you open Christmas presents?
Who will you give presents to this year?
Who do you expect to receive presents from?
What would you like to get for your Christmas present?
What will you buy your parents?
What is the best Christmas present you have ever gotten?

Do people behave differently during Christmas? Do they try to be better?
Do you donate something (money, clothes...) to charities?
Do you give something to homeless people?
Do you attend any special religious ceremonies during the Christmas season?
Do you see your relatives at Christmas time?
How many Christmas cards do you send?
How do you feel when Christmas is over for another year?

Have you ever had a Summer Christmas?
Will you go skiing during the Christmas vacation?
What will you eat on Christmass Day?
Will you have a Christmas party at your home?
Will you travel abroad during the Christmas vacation?

Would you like to spend Christmas in another country?
How should a very traditional Christmas be spent?
If you could change something about Christmas time, what would it be?
If you could go anywhere during Christmas vacation, where would you go?
Is Christmas the same today as it was 100 years ago?

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