
вторник, 22 января 2019 г.

Детективные загадки на английском для уровня Intermediate / Detective Riddles for Intermediate students

Чтобы английский изучался легко - с интересом и удовольствием - преподавателю необходимо заинтересовывать студента. Для этого все методы хороши. Если ученик интересуется детективами, то поиграйте в детективов, но на английском - отгадывайте детективные головоломки вместе! Например, вот эти (для уровня Intermediate). В конце страницы я помещаю ответы, чтобы вы могли проверить себя: того ли человека вы обвинили :)

Riddle one: "A Thief at the Sea"
A Japanese ship was leaving the port and on its way to open sea. The captain went to go oil some parts of the ship and took his ring off so it wouldn’t get damaged. He left it on the table next to his bunk. When he returned, it was missing. He had suspected three crew members could be guilty and asked them what they had been doing for the ten minutes that he had been gone.
The cook said, “I was in the kitchen preparing tonight’s dinner.
The engineer said, “I was working in the engine room making sure everything was running smoothly.”
The seaman said, “I was on the mast correcting the flag because someone had attached it upside down by mistake.”
The captain immediately knew who it was. How?

Riddle two: "Poisonous Pills" 
A serial killer kidnapped five different people and sat them down each with two pills in their hand and a glass of water. He told them each to take one pill but warned them that one was poisonous and the other was harmless. Whichever pill the victim didn’t take, the serial killer would take. Every victim somehow chose the poisonous pill and died. How did the serial killer get them all to take the poisonous pill?

Riddle three: "A Science Case" 
A chemist was murdered in his own lab. The only evidence was a piece of paper that had the names of chemical substances written on it. The substances were nickel, carbon, oxygen, lanthanum, and sulfur. The chemist only had three people come by his lab on the day of the murder: fellow scientist Claire, his nephew Nicolas, his wife, and his friend Marc. The police arrested the murderer right away. How did they know who it was?

Riddle four: "Guilty in Court" 
A woman was in court for killing her husband. She said she wasn’t guilty and that she dearly missed him. 
In the closing statement, the woman’s lawyer stands up and says, “Her husband was just missing. Everyone look at the doors. He’s going to walk through them in about 30 seconds.” 
The entire jury stares at the doors waiting for waiting for this woman’s husband to walk through the doors. The lawyer and the woman stare at the jury. 
The lawyer concludes by saying, “See! If you were so sure she killed her husband, you wouldn’t be watching that door!” 
The jury immediately gave a guilty verdict. Why? 

Riddle five: "Footprints Between Two Parallel Lines"
A man was found dead out in a field of snow. The only tracks that were left was a set of footprints between two parallel lines. Who should the police be looking for?


Riddle №1: It was clearly the seaman. It was a Japanese ship and a Japanese flag is white with a single red dot in the middle. It can’t be hung upside down.

Riddle №2: Neither of the pills was poisonous. The poison was in the water that all the victims used to swallow their pill.

Riddle №3: There was a very obvious clue on the piece of paper. If you combine the abbreviations of the chemical substances on the paper, you’ll get a name: Ni-C-O-La-S.

Riddle №4: The woman was watching the jury and not the doors because she knew that her husband wouldn’t walk through them because she had killed him. If she has really missed him like she said, she would have been watching the doors. 

Riddle №5: A man in a wheelchair. 

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