
воскресенье, 5 августа 2012 г.

Basic English Synonyms (C) / Основные английские синонимы на "С"

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CAREFUL (adjective)
Synonyms: careful, conscientious, thorough, painstaking

showing attention to details
We are always very careful to give accurate information.
The project needs very careful planning.

working carefully and well
She’s a very conscientious worker.

including everything that needs to be dealt with very carefully
The police have carried out a thorough search of the woods.

done slowly and carefully in order to avoid mistakes
The design is the result of years of painstaking effort.

careless - without any care or thought

CAUTIONS (adjective)
Synonyms: cautious, careful, prudent, vigilant, wary, secretive

not willing to take risks
She’s a very cautious driver.

taking care not to make mistakes or cause harm
Be careful not to make any noise – the baby is asleep.
She is very careful about what she eats.

showing good sense and using good judgement
It would be prudent to consult a lawyer before you sign the contract.

staying very aware of possible danger
The disease particularly affects young children, so parents must remain vigilant.

aware of a possible problem with someone or something
I am very wary of any of his ideas for making money.

liking to keep things secret
She’ s very secretive about her private life.

reckless - doing something or done without thinking
thoughtless - without thinking about other people

CHANGE (verb)
Synonyms: change, alter, modify, convert, vary, shift, transform

to become different, or make something different
She’s changed so much since I last saw her that I hardly recognised her.
Living in the country has changed his attitude towards towns.

to become different, or make something different, especially in small ways or in parts only
They wanted to alter the terms of the contract after they had signed it.
The shape of his face had altered slightly.

to change something to suit a different situation
The design was modified to make the car faster.

to change something into a different form, or change something for a different purpose
We are converting the shed into a studio.
These panels convert the heat of the sun into electricity.

to be different in different situations, or change within certain limits
The temperature varies from 8°C at night to 18°C during the day.

to change position or direction
We’ve shifted the television from the kitchen into the dining room.
My opinion has shifted since I read the official report.

to change the appearance or character of someone or something completely
The outside of the building has been transformed by cleaning.
The book has transformed my views on medical care.

CHILD (noun)
Synonyms: child, baby, toddler, teenager, youngster, youth, kid

a young boy or girl
There was no television when my mother was a child.
A group of children were playing on the beach.

a very young child
Most babies start to walk when they are about a year old.
A baby just starting to get its teeth.

a child who has just learnt to walk
a playground for toddlers

a young person aged between 13 and 19
She writes stories for teenagers.

a young person
My grandparents don’t understand today’s youngsters.

a young man
Gangs of youths were causing trouble in the village.
A youth, aged 16, was arrested for possessing drugs.

(informal) a child
There were a few school kids on their bicycles.
They’re married with two kids.

adult - a fully-grown person

CLEAN (adjective)
Synonyms: clean, pure, spotless, hygienic

not dirty
Wipe your glasses with a clean handkerchief.
Tell the waitress these cups aren’t clean.

not spoiled by being mixed with other things or substances of a lower quality
a bottle of pure water
a pure mountain stream

completely clean, with no dirty marks at all
The tablecloths must be spotless.

clean and safe because all germs have been destroyed
The food must be stored in hygienic conditions.
Some areas of the factory didn’t look very hygienic.

dirty - not clean

COLD (adjective)
Synonyms: cold, cool, freezing, frozen, icy

with a low temperature
It’s too cold to go for a walk.
If you’re hot, have a glass of cold water.
He had a plate of cold beef and salad.

cold in a pleasant way, or colder than you would like or than you expect
It was hot on deck but nice and cool down below.
Wines should be stored in a cool cellar.
The evenings were rather cool, so we sat inside.

very cold, or close to the temperature at which water freezes
It’s freezing outside.

at a temperature below that at which water freezes
We went skating on the frozen lake.

covered with ice, or very cold
Be careful, the pavement is icy.
An icy wind was blowing.

warm - fairly hot
hot - very warm; with a high temperature
boiling - very hot

COLLECT (verb)
Synonyms: collect, gather, assemble, hoard

to bring things or people together, or to come together
We collected information from all the people who offered to help.
A crowd collected at the scene of the accident.

to come together in one place, or be brought together by someone
Groups of people gathered outside the government building.
They gathered together a team of experienced people for the new project.

to come together in a place, or to be brought together by someone, especially formally or in an ordered way
We’ll assemble outside the hotel at 9 a.m.
They assembled a panel of experts to renew the project.
Assemble all the items you need for the cake before you start making it.

to buy and store supplies of something essential that you think you will need in a crisis
Everyone started hoarding fuel during the strike.

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