
среда, 1 августа 2012 г.

Compound Words / Сложные (составные) слова

Итак, что такое "Compound Word"? Это сложное слово, образованное путем сложения двух простых слов. При этом получаемое новое слово обретает значение, отличное от составляющих его двух слов. Например:

play + ground = playground 
news + paper = newspaper 

A compound word is, simply, two words joined to make a new and often more specific word applicable to a particular circumstance. For instance the word "news" can mean many things, though it usually refers to the delivery of current information. When combined with the word "paper," which could also refer to several different things, the compound word, "newspaper," is formed and refers to a specific object. 

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